Want to Grow Your Business : Find an Angel
A Business Angel can fast track your business growth. They have skills and experience to complement yours, they can assist you to open doors and markets, create new markets locally and globally,

If you are interested in crowdfunding as a means to raise funds, invest funds or build a business within the industry. Then, this is the place to be.
They can also help you achieve your vision and support your passion. They also have money to help you manage your cashflow as you rapidly grow your business.
In a nutshell a Business Angel assists with
Funding business growth the smart way
Enabling you to work on and in your business at the same time
Bringing purpose, passion and people together.
Christine Kaine has been matching angel investors to entrepreneurial businesses since 1992. She established the second matching service in Australia after reading a newspaper article about business angels investing time and money to assist growing businesses achieve their potential. Christine believes her success is due to her focus on matching people’s values and skills ahead of the money, and that her experience in recruitment has been of great benefit in helping her achieve this. She is described as a profiler. Her understanding of behaviour and what makes relationships work helps her encourage people to tap into their own core values rather than fit into someone else’s expectations.
Business Angels Pty Ltd has matched thousands of investors and businesses. It has helped to form a great variety of partnerships, with some angels investing time and money, and others providing mentoring and networking.
Christine has written a comprehensive and practical guide to the process, "Private Capital for Private Companies" for those contemplating finding an angel investor or investing in a business.
Her vision for the future often challenges the present in many uncomfortable ways. The underlying philosophy for all that Christine does is about collaborating rather than competing - open source relationships. She recognises that true networking needs to be much smarter and for this reason she has set up a new matching service called Crowd Entrepreneurs. Crowdsourcing is certainly one key to a future where the most valuable thing is people and their relationships with each other.

Silicon Beach Radio Sponsors

Join Cullen Pope host of the 

Silicon Beach Radio program and podcast


Event links and supporters EATT Magazine, one of our many sponsors was originally a crowdfunding and startup magazine moved quickly into travel podcast
and education https://eattmag.com/category/travel/ 
and http://www.deakin.edu.au/
Offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and research courses.