#australialistens Join us on a blast from the past from Silicon Beach Radio as Silicon Beach celebrates its 8th year anniversary

Join Cullen Pope host of the Silicon Beach Radio program and podcast


Cullen the host of Silicon Beach Radio interviews Athula the lead organizer of Melbourne Silicon Beach about the new Startup Spring Meetup. Artists and Entrepreneurs featured in EATT Magazine, https://eattmag.com/category/art-and-science/ a patron of Silicon Beach RadioThis is a very special Melbourne Silicon Beach Meetup for Startup Spring 2015, an Australia wide startup festival organized by StartupAus. Startup Spring runs throughout Australia from 10th to 30th Sept.

This will be an MSB meetup with nothing like you have seen before. Expect a few surprises and some exciting announcements.


Did you know that you can get a SiliconTable at this meetup and showcase your startup, small business, graphic/web/app design business.. in fact, any product or service that helps our startups to grow? Find out here http://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Silicon-Beach/