In this episode of SIIMcast, we continue our mini-series exploring the "Practical Imaging Informatics Textbook" (PIIRT), we delve into the intricacies of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) and other image management systems with the insightful Nikki Fennell. With over two decades of experience in the imaging field and current roles at Stanford Health Care and as chair of the Board of Trustees for the American Board of Imaging Informatics, Nikki brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our discussion.

This episode sets the stage by examining the critical role of PACS in today's healthcare landscape, where digital imaging management is as essential as the air we breathe. Nikki demystifies PACS, comparing it to traditional film-based systems, and highlights its operational efficiencies, improved data management, security, and cost savings. The conversation navigates through the foundational elements of PACS, its relationship with EMRs (Electronic Medical Records) and RIS (Radiology Information Systems), and the evolving landscape of enterprise imaging.

Listeners will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by point-of-care ultrasound systems, the governance of imaging data, and the future of image sharing beyond the confines of individual healthcare enterprises. Nikki and the hosts also touch upon the nuances of AI integration in imaging workflows, the concept of research PACS, and the imperative of managing AI-generated data responsibly.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of imaging informatics and patient care, offering a deep dive into the technological advancements and operational considerations shaping the future of imaging in medicine. Join us for a thought-provoking journey through the chapters of the PIIRT, guided by one of the field's seasoned professionals.