Previous Episode: 177 SigTalks | 004
Next Episode: 179 SigTalks | 006

Fear, we either choose to live in it or we choose to live in LOVE. I choose LOVE. Enjoy this episode and I will see you again next month. 

Oh! Don't forget to check out our special this month below.

 Hello My Chiropractic Family!

As I sit here going on week four of quarantine in the Netherlands, I was thinking of how I am spending my time.

I wake up and meditate; I still go into my practice, even though we are not allowed to see patients. I walk my dog, A LOT! But the most important thing that I do is listen to my fathers tapes, watch my fathers videos and read my fathers books, all to get me ready to come back into the practice and PRACTICE with purpose, with passion and most of all with PHILOSOPHY.  Not just any philosophy, but pure chiropractic philosophy that my father, Dr. James Sigafoose, taught his entire life.

I also sit and wonder what my father would do so that all of you could return, to your practices, with the same drive and determination that I am.  Then it hit me!


My father, in his heyday, practiced in this manner. Basically, patients would come in get adjusted and then put whatever they could afford in a box that was attached to the wall. NO ONE WAS REFUSED FOR HIS OR HER INABILITY TO PAY.

So while this COVID-19 crisis is on going, we here at the Sigafoose clan are going to bring BOX ON THE WALL back for all of Dr. Sigafoose’s products.

Here is how it will work:

Go to and check out our store. Find whatever product it is you want. Go to and send whatever it is you can afford to pay, to [email protected] in USA; and in Europe, send it to [email protected]. Make sure it is sent as family or friend, that way they do not put a hold on the funds and there is no charge. Please note in the message box what product it is that you want along with your email and I will send it out to you via DropBox ASAP. One product per donation, but you can pick a new product and donate as many times as you want. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD ANYTHING, SEND ME AN EMAIL TO EITHER OF THE EMAILS ABOVE AND YOU WILL STILL GET WHATEVER PRODUCT YOU WANT. NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY FOR HIS OR HER INABILITY TO PAY. This box on the wall deal is for any of the products you can see on the website. We are also making the Sigafoose Weekly Program available (weekly consultation calls drip fed to you) but because it is a much bigger product we ask a minimum donation of $1000.00 for the calls. For the other products you can donate whatever you can!

Well that is it, I hope EVERYONE takes us up on this offer and lets all return to our practices with a NEW found passion for what it is that we do.


Dr. Carey & Patrick  Pabouet-Sigafoose