Signs Of Life Radio is Tonight! Hosted by Bob Ginsberg. Special Guest Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti, MD

Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti is a medical doctor and Forever Family Foundation Scientific
Advisory Board member.

Dr Parisetti is a traditional medical doctor who always had a materialist perspective. After examining the evidence of an afterlife, he was blown away by what he discovered. He has written books on this topic,
as well as created a workbook to help people learn about evidence of an afterlife and help cope with grief. The proceeds help benefit Forever Family Foundation.

Learn more about Dr. Parisetti here:

Can’t make it? You can listen to any episode anytime in Radio Show Archives.

Thursday, August 31st
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Host: Bob Ginsberg
Guest: Piero Calvi-Parisetti MD
Tonight on Signs of Life Radio, Host Bob Ginsberg will be speaking with guest Piero Calvi-Parisetti MD, author of 'Step Into The Light - Transform your fear of death by learning about Life After Life.'

What happens when we die? Is death annihilation – the end of everything as far as we are concerned – or is there an afterlife? And if there indeed is one, what does it look like? Instead of speculating philosophically or reviewing different religious beliefs, this book looks directly at the testimony we have from witnesses with a direct experience of death: those who’ve had a deathbed vision, those who’ve had a Near-Death Experience and those who have actually died and allegedly went on living in a nonmaterial dimension we call the spirit world.

Make sure you tune in as he will be announcing a new research project about grief and the afterlife, with instructions on how our listeners can participate!

Signs Of Life Radio is Tonight! Hosted by Bob Ginsberg. Special Guest Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti, MD

Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti is a medical doctor and Forever Family Foundation Scientific
Advisory Board member.

Dr Parisetti is a traditional medical doctor who always had a materialist perspective. After examining the evidence of an afterlife, he was blown away by what he discovered. He has written books on this topic,
as well as created a workbook to help people learn about evidence of an afterlife and help cope with grief. The proceeds help benefit Forever Family Foundation.

Learn more about Dr. Parisetti here:

Can’t make it? You can listen to any episode anytime in Radio Show Archives.

Thursday, August 31st
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Host: Bob Ginsberg
Guest: Piero Calvi-Parisetti MD
Tonight on Signs of Life Radio, Host Bob Ginsberg will be speaking with guest Piero Calvi-Parisetti MD, author of 'Step Into The Light - Transform your fear of death by learning about Life After Life.'

What happens when we die? Is death annihilation – the end of everything as far as we are concerned – or is there an afterlife? And if there indeed is one, what does it look like? Instead of speculating philosophically or reviewing different religious beliefs, this book looks directly at the testimony we have from witnesses with a direct experience of death: those who’ve had a deathbed vision, those who’ve had a Near-Death Experience and those who have actually died and allegedly went on living in a nonmaterial dimension we call the spirit world.

Make sure you tune in as he will be announcing a new research project about grief and the afterlife, with instructions on how our listeners can participate!