Why do a Summary?

Something that I look for on podcasts, but don't find often. A summary

of recent activities or "wake" helps me generate perspective.

What have we done so far? How have We Done?

This type of review also reminds me of something I intended to do.. and

ooops, I forgot.

My son and I spoke about his organizational skills. Then we pause a

moment and assess how is current effort and techniques are working.

It is so easy to get caught up in our current frustrations, focused on

current barriers, demands of our time, that we forget what we have

worked through. Where we have made progress and we can see motion if

we take time to look.

This applies to work, home, learning bagua, understanding a strategy,

performing a technique, I encourage you to take a moment and assess.

So, to practice what I am encouraging.

Thank You Dawn for your recent kind Facebook


"Wow! Another treasure! I am happy and so very grateful to know that the

wisdom and lessons you are sharing, both in the podcasts and in the

kwoon are a part of my evolution and growth. Thank you!"


Kats Yang 9 Tai Chi Course is doing great

Knox is ready for Kung

Fu Boot Camp


Mindful Meditation Without Theories and Religion"

already has signups :)

Last Quarter of Workshops and Courses is coming

It really helps us when you subscribe at Itunes, Stitcher or any of

our Podcast providers (look on right menu -->). If you leave an honest

review, that is even better.

Break out the Assessment Tools: Episodes 1 Thru 9


01 : Introduction to the Kwoon

It began by addressing a few common questions that we received about

training with us.


02 : Beach Retreat

Posted June 19, very popular download.

Time where we reset ourselves. Got a new foundation


03 : Weaving KungFu Styles

Benefits and challenges of weaving different styles through the course

of years

Examples of historical figures that started in one spot, then built to

many, such as Bruce Lee

Behind the Scenes

My ability to stay focused over long courses of time is part of my

gift and curse

Our little space by the KungFu Kitchen.


04 : Boots on the Ground

My son joins me to do our Boots on the Ground Mind-Set Meditation

We establish our priorities, so we don't have to make as many


Life is simplier when you have priorities


05 : Mortar for the Bricks

Training Your Mind to Overcome Difficult Situations

If techniques and reactions are the Bricks, then your confidence and

thought is the Mortar

First YouTube

PDF/Audio Version


06 : BaGua CornerStones

Look at BaGua from a Historians Perspective

It was a Meditation hundreds of years before it was a martial art

The Monthly bagua fundamentals class 2nd Saturday of each month, 11 am

went great.

PDF Version

Also on YouTube


07 : Find the Common Denominator

Story of Ava, who is frustrated with being in the similar situation

again and reflects on how she got there.

She considers what she owns as being the only common link of several


What am I supposed to be learning?

Three in a row on Kung Fu Internal Development (KFID)

Translate to self development

Carries over into handling fluid situations

Students get your discount code for White

Bamboo Store
if you register online


08 : Building the KungFu Frame

Bagua Workshop went great, next one in September 13, 11 am:


How fascia, the soft tissues work together to develop framework


09 : Cutting thru the Chaos : 4 Steps to Getting Thru the Fog

Life gets cloudy and we sometimes lose direction

How did old-timers navigate when they couldn't see, before the compass?

How can you do exactly the same thing in your life?

Your browser does not support native audio or Flash, but you can download

this MP3
to listen on your device.


to Subscribe to the Tibetan KungFu Podcast Tutorial


My Comfort much better

Still takes a lot of time to develop each show

Concern about doing a good job

Listen to lots of other shows for what to do and not to do's

Need to Rely on our Shownotes (what are they?) Facebook, Twitter

Google Pluse and website more for announcements

I trying to keep up

Where are we going, in the next few Episodes?

Kwoon is evolving

Finding a "Root"

Why PushHands

New Questions