Fear comes in many shapes and colors. Some fears of our physical

well-being are engrained at a fundamental level, as described in

Maslow's Heirarchy of needs. Some fears are foreshadows of what pain and

discomfort would be like, the fear of falling, the fear of drowing, in

martial arts, the fear of getting hit.

The fear precedes an actual event, and if the fear is strong enough it

can immobilize us till we can't move or perform.

What about fears that there is no inherit risk to our physical being?

The fear of public speaking

The fear of making a mistake in front of audience

The fear of performing

The fear of looking silly

These fears put us at no physical risk, but puts our ego and self-worth

in the cross-hairs.

Some fears can be worked through by 'doing', you put yourself in a

position to be safe as possible and work on it, for example, the fear of


With fears of performing, whether as a painter, an actor, or a martial

artist, 'doing' will not be enough to achieve your highest level of

success. You can't 'do' painting, you have to 'be' a painter.

What does it take to 'be' a painter, be a martial artist? I walk you

through step by step during this podcast.

Also During The Podcast of Tibetan Kungfu #75

Student Updates

Message from a Listener

The 3 month window called the Holiday Season, the time of higher joys,

higher expectations, higher stress. We put together an class that will

meet each thursday until January to give us all a little extra support.

A listener left a Review:

"Wow, I can't praise enough. I found these today and feel like I hit the

jackpot. Sifu Smith, what a generous service you are providing. Beyond

the wisdom and compassion you convey, the fact that you are providing

these through a non-cost podcast conveys even more to me. It's not so

easy to find consistent and high quality instruction or content for

free. Practically nothing is free anymore. What I have learned already

is invaluable, so thank you, thank you. You are a good person and a good

representative of what you teach."



Psychology: Advances in Understanding Adult Motivation


and the Martial Arts: Engagement (Ethics and Sport)


Beilock Ph.D : Overcome the Fear of Judgmentalism


Acting Mastery with Crispin Freeman


Post on Holiday Health :


Podcast of Tibetan Kungfu #25 Holiday

Health and Fitness Class


Benefits of Martial Arts Training


Area's Your Ego Has Direct Access to Your Mind : TKF 66


Duality of Ego : Where Do You See it in Martial Arts? : TKF 67

National Center for Biotechnology Information : Overcome

the Fear of Falling


Chi and Falling


of Public Speaking
: Sian Beilock :

Artwork of Fear, By Tanshi