Original Webpage : TKF 046

Student moves to the Mid-West

What started as a simple meeting during the TKF

006 BaGua Cornerstones

turned into a good student and new friendship. We will miss you Dawn. Be

safe in your travels and your pursuits :)

A Listener asks the following question :

"Good Evening Sifu,

How have you been? I have really been enjoying the last couple of

podcasts that you put out about physiological learning and the physical

senses used in martial training. I am fascinated with the mind/body

connection. I also really enjoyed the ep 45 that included the

ingredients needed to master the arts(any).

I have heard about Aikido being the martial arts of "love"

(gentleman, philosopher, martial artist), lacking strikes and using the

opponents aggression against them. I even watched a documentary on it

last night. And, we have a martial arts center very close to my house

that teaches this and other styles.

But then I made a mistake of watching a video of Aikido vs Jui Jistu,

the Aikido practitioner didn't stand much of a chance.

What are your thoughts on this form? I am very interested in Bushido,

but am afraid that my life doesn't align with this life style.

Even if you don't have much to say about this, I would love if you

could give me a tip on where I could find a style that matches my

personality and life values. I really with that I lived in your neck of

the woods. I love you passion for the arts, and I your philosophy really

rings true to my spirit.

Thanks ahead of time for your time.

I call on a couple of folks to weigh in :

Lori O'Connell : very sharp lady and I like her approach to martial

arts, She teaches Jiu Jitsu at Pacific

Wave Jiu Jitsu

and another a man from the UK, that I have gotten to know,

Iain Abernethy, he is a Karate man, and part of the World

Combat Association
, an organization that promotes martial arts for

combat that I totally get on board with, because it is more aligned to

how I was trained in martial arts and so were my classmates in the early


Then I break down the question from my perspective, without my kungfu

bias... um, um... okay.. I little bias.. :)

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