This week on Marketing :

 UK introduces HFSS Ad ban : The United Kingdom is introducing an Ad ban/constraints on high fatty, sugary and salty foods in an attempt to curb obesity in the population. Ads such as " Buy 1 get 1 free" on HFSS will be eliminated from television. inPowered : AI marketing solution introduces a 15 second engagement measure that prompts website users with CTAs that lead them further down the sales funnel. This is as an attempt to disqualify CPCs and CPMs as vanity metrics. Brands working with inPowered have reported a double rise in their CTRsInstagram is introducing Ads on the explore page & is yet to unveil IGTV Ads that are speculated to take action in 2021. Creators are rumoured to rip 55% of the Ad revenue from their IGTV videos.Buzzsprout is giving away $20 amazon gift cards to podcasters who start hosting on their paid plans using this affiliate link

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