Rosa supports leaders and groups around the world to work creatively with divergent perspectives. Her mission is developing our collective capacity to transform friction into useful energy and greater insight. Author of From Conflict to Creative Collaboration, a manual on Dynamic Facilitation. She also just finished her Ph.D. so soon we should say Dr. Rosa Zubizaretta.  This has freed up her time to take on new clients after some time steeped in academia.

What would happen if helping a neighbor with a conflict was as normal as waking up in the morning?  What if our companies had an ethos that conflict is not only natural but good and has a hearty system for restoring after conflict?  That is what Traci and Rosa discuss as well as why we need to not start with our most difficult political rivals but make resolving conflict with those close to us our first order of business.

Episode Timeline

[00:09] Intro 
[1:41] Meet Rosa
[3:21] Rosa’s contribution to the Sidewalk Talk Bus Tour
[5:23] German and European ties
[7:16] We need each other
[8:51] De shame yourself
[11:42] Common causes of conflict
[15:43] How conflict is in heaven
[18:56] Dominic Barter’s restorative circles
[25:40] Start where it is easy
[33:30] Love wrestling with your husband
[38:08] Passionate conflict is an energy turbine
[41:32] The roots of violence
[46:18] Closing
[48:35] Outro

Resources Mentioned

From Conflict to Creative Collaboration (Book)

Standout Quotes

“I just want to start with the fact that as human beings, we get into messes with each other” (Rosa)
“Anybody can learn how to hold space productively for another person and listen deeply.” (Rosa)
“If the 99 % could figure out how to do collaboration between us, we'd be so F* strong,” (Rosa)
“But we grew up in a culture where we do not learn how to confront people with love. ” (Rosa)
“Conflict happens when we're at our edge. It's like, there's an edge there. There's something that I don't know or understand yet, or something's getting triggered or something. And so it's a potential growth place. ” (Rosa)
“I think conflict is a potentially renewable, sustainable source of energy ” (Rosa)
“We just have to open the space so that we are not butt heads against each other, but that that passion gets harnessed.” (Rosa)


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