Stand Out Quotes

People are sold a false god of money, opportunity, or progression and some people achieve wealth and power but then realize that doesn’t bring me fulfillment.

Life always throws adversity at you.  The challenge is how you adapt to that.

Ninety percent of our health has to do with the systems within which we are living, not something inside of us.



Dr. Charlie Easmon is a Primary Care Physician specializing in Travel Medicine, Mental and Occupational Health. He trained at St George's Hospital Medical School in South London and performed his medical elective period in Ghana. Since then he has worked with a number of international medical organizations and charities including Merlin, Raleigh International and Save the Children in Rwanda, and ECHO in Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

Working under appointment for the Foreign Office, Charlie has operated across Africa and in countries such as Egypt, Israel, Tunisia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. He has been actively involved in a number of different types of medical aid emergencies including medical evacuations and following these high-level international experiences Charlie has some of the highest levels of expertise in travel medicine and public health.

 However, Charlie’s deep interest is in mental and occupational health in the corporate setting, and particularly within high stress arenas. He has wide ranging experiences into the consequences of staff working in varying conditions. He is concerned about the aspect of late referrals and how the all-too-often lack of appropriate mental health support resources can impact on the well being of his patients.

Find more out about Dr. Easmon here:

And See Dr. Easmon's TEDx Talk here:


Podcast Notes:

Dr. Easmon joins me as he makes his way home from his busy medical practice. 

He says that ”These days people don’t come in for physical injury any more but because they have had their head caved in mentally.  What is the point of human evolution if the workplace has become a stress pen for all of us?”

The western world has gotten many things wrong in their march for technological supremacy.  His clients have forgotten to examine the quality of their life, joy, and peace.

And our mental health and physical health are suffering because of how our world is set up.  You can treat the problems but Dr. Easmon also says we need to change the systems that are making us sick.

Ninety percent of our health has to do with the system within which we are living, not some problem inside of us but because the market rules mentality is what drives how we live.  We are not creating health-promoting systems that would make us get well evolutionary.

Dr. Easmon shares his own experience of discrimination and how discrimination stress is linked to things like high blood pressure.

 He is fond of the work of the Anne Frank Foundation.  They send people into schools to talk about discrimination and strongly believes a history of prejudice should be taught in every school curriculum and teach it throughout history.  And dealing with the rise of the far right. These groups thrive in vacuums of ignorance, but these groups directly and negatively impact our health.

Social innovation is not communist it is simply a way to create cooperation to create a society that is based on something other than greed.  Not all mindsets can be changed so Dr. Easmon recommends we are thoughtful in where we put our energies. For him, he has partnered with George Kinder and the Golden Civilization Project.  George will be on our podcast very soon.

We hope you enjoyed this dialogue with Dr. Easmon.  As Sidewalk Talk has doubled in size since February of 2019 to today, we need 80 more folks to invest monthly to keep us providing free listening on sidewalks and this podcast in 2020.  Upcoming and past guests include Harville Hendricks, Spring Washam, Parker Palmer, Charlie Easmon, David Kessler, George Kinder, Howard C. Stephenson, and Ashanti Branch and the list goes on. You can invest here or please share this conversation with all those who would be lifted up by it.