Welcome to Sideshow Sound Radio’s tribute to and celebration of the life of Ian Crabb. Will and Todd showcase a compilation of many of Ian’s greatest moments at Sideshow including many laughs, fond memories, great music, and words of remembrance from our friends, colleagues, and dear listeners. Ian always worked harder for our podcast than […]

Welcome to Sideshow Sound Radio’s tribute to and celebration of the life of Ian Crabb.

Will and Todd showcase a compilation of many of Ian’s greatest moments at Sideshow including many laughs, fond memories, great music, and words of remembrance from our friends, colleagues, and dear listeners.

Ian always worked harder for our podcast than anyone, especially at a time when the rest of us couldn’t give our time so freely. There wasn’t a week that went by when Ian didn’t have some amaaazing new idea or content for the podcast, whether it was an episode of his shows, In Defence Of, and Sideshow & Tell, or one of his many interviews with top composers in the industry. All this work took a lot of time to set up behind the scenes, copious amounts of research, and more time than many of us could manage, even on our best day. He was a gifted podcaster and interviewer that will be sorely missed and forever remembered.

Among his many talents, Ian had a vast knowledge of cinema that brought an element to the show we were missing, along with a dose of humour and interview style our listeners adored. We experienced a boost in listenership thanks to Ian’s personality, voiceovers, skits, shows, and interviews, and we know he befriended and spoke to many of you on a regular basis.

Thank you so much for all the love and kind comments we’ve received about Ian since his passing. Your support means a lot at this difficult time. Given Ian’s tireless commitment to our podcast network over the years, he deserves a huge send-off!

Join us as we gather to remember, Ian Crabb.