Michael P. Williams, a librarian, writer, editor, and lover of many things JRPG, swings by Enthusia to talk about the classic game Chrono Trigger. Released in 1995, the game has stood the test of time, but have we been overlooking the real meaning of Chrono Trigger all along? Twenty-six years later and revelations are abound: Chrono Trigger is a work of art that allows its players to interpret its messages in its own way, in the same way that the game affords many freedoms to its players that few JRPGs were doing back then. In the conversation, we take nostalgic dips into remembering our first playthroughs and then consider how the game is really about environmentalism and how Japan’s preparation, experiencing, and recovering from the many natural and nuclear disasters that have happened over its history inform the game’s story.

There’s also a lot of talk about how amazing Super Mario 64 and Final Fantasy 6 are.

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