The guys discuss Wind Chimes and who owns them.  Apparently Eric owns three, though he's not sure he knows.  In the Buzz around town, they discuss the Union Pointe Apartments, closure of Bin 46, AveXis, and Poppy Salon.

In the Deep Dive, the guys get up close with recycling and reuse.  If you need to get rid of something, check out some great resources from the City of Longmont, Eco-Cycle and Resource Central. 

Waste Diversion Resources
City of Longmont Waste Diversion
Eco-Cycle CHaRM (Center for Hard to Recycle Materials)
Resource Central
Household Hazardous Waste
Eco-Cycle Resource Guide

Business mentions In this episode
Resource Central
Western Disposal
Peaceful Poppy Salon
Union Pointe Apartments

HandPan - check out this video to get an idea of Hand Pan Playing. Someone is providing instructions on this but the guys don't remember the name or contact.  Check out Luna Cafe for a flyer on the subject

Adult Spelling Bee at 300 Suns

Thanks to Andy Eppler for "Nothing but the Rain" as our Intro
Music of the week by Clandestine Amigo.  Give a listen here to more of their music
Check out Andy at his Instagram feed @andotheartist or his etsy shop