Welcome to another episode of the Side Hustle Freedom Podcast! Today I am joined by guest Aleia Walker. Aleia really wants to help her clients have a more predictable stream of income and serves her clients in a variety of ways.

During our conversation, we talk about all things marketing and business. We’ll dive into exactly what Aleia does, how she fell in the love with marketing, the importance of automation, focusing on your ideal client, and providing the right content at the right time. 

You want to attract and repel so you can hone in on those you can best serve. When it comes to serving those clients, you want them to do something. This can be in an email or sales page. This is where a call to action comes in. It’s important to be clear and specific with your call to actions and limit them as not to overwhelm your client. These are just a few of the topics we explore during this episode. We’ll also take a look at how Aleia overcame saying yes to everything and having a lack of boundaries.