Trash Boy - 40s and Blunts 

Hangtime - Radio Don't Care 

Monty Vega & The Sittin' Shivas - When You Show Up

Baby Shakes - Really Really

The Amber Bugs - Means, Motive, Opportunity

Cat SFX - Reunite

Dirt Royal - Lose Our Way

PUP - Nothing Changes

The Blistered Minds - Not Welcome

The Dead Freights - Stray Dogs

LoveyDove - Good Leash 

Sun-Pinned Leaves - No More Tomorrows 

Other Galaxies - Falling Flat On My Face 

The Reverse - Which Way Out

The Silverbeets - Girlfriend

Ben Witkowski - Fire

FreeDivers - Isolation

Castle Black - City Of The Sea


Want to be heard on this program?  Contact [email protected] --- attach mp3/WAV tracks (as many as you prefer) with a short bio or your EPK.

All music belongs to the credited artists.