Dar's Picks
 Microsoft Monopoly
 Preformed In Sensible Shoes - The Country Member
 Rats As Big As Dogs - Strain
 Coach Bombay - Slam! Poetry!
 Das Kapitans - Shut Up
 Scratch Buffalo - Shoot Me With Your Kamera
 The Fish Mittens - Peepshow
 Lungbuster - Idiot
 Grim - Hearts
 The Dogmatics - Drop That Needle
 FTC Sues Microsoft To Stop The
 Acquisition Of Activision.....
 My Latest Failure - Demons
 Dead Star Talk - Giant Child
 Cat SFX - Reunite
 Manntra - Barren King
 Radio 89 - 10 Years And A Day
 Mud City Manglers - Hammered
 Freedumb - Get Away
 Local Trouts - Miniscule Erection
 Tom Houston - Righteous