We often talk about how SIBO is an issue of location, not type. Meaning, our main worry isn’t whether our bacteria is “good or bad,” per se. Just that it’s in the wrong place, too far up our digestive tract. But in the last five years we’ve come to better understand how pathogenic bacteria is often the first player in a chain of events that eventually leads someone to develop SIBO.

In today’s conversation, I’m joined by Dr. Ilana Gurevich, a naturopathic physician and one of the foremost experts on the intersection of IBD and IBS, to discuss why food poisoning is one of the leading causes of SIBO, and how every day exposures to parasites in our drinking water, food, and environment can fuel a whole host of other GI disorders.

For those looking to understand more about Post-Infectious IBS and the process of autoimmunity that can lead to SIBO, today's episode will clear up all your questions! 

A quick taste of what we’ll cover: How post-infectious IBS develops in the body, often from a simple case of food poisoning What happens to the migrating motor complex when a bad actor enters the picture and our immune system jumps into action The IBS Smart Test, plus other tests for uncovering parasites and deciding how to treat them What arsenal every SIBO Amigo should travel with to prevent food poisoning or parasites from taking hold Why some critters aren’t always the enemy And so much more... Resources, mentions and notes: Dr. Gurevich’s website Dr. Gurevich’s travel kit: digestive enzymes, Allimed, immunoglobulins, activated charcoal, probiotics DNA PCR Stool Test Water filters for your tap: Berkey at-home filter, grayl travel filter, Phoebe’s pic the Envirowave 10-stage filter Join the SIBO Made Simple Facebook Community Page Subscribe to receive a free low FODMAP cookbook


This episode is brought to you by Higher Dose​, whose sauna blanket is my new self-care obsession. The blanket has all the benefits of a normal infrared sauna—the detoxification, the increase in blood flow and circulation, and the lowering of cortisol levels—but in a much more compact package that you use every day at home. I’ve been using it 3x a week and have noticed a huge improvement in my mood, sleep, skin, and general inflammation. My face and body feel less bloated and puffy, and my pants are even fitting better. For more information and a special discount visit higherdose.com and use code SIBO100 for $100 off. Wishing you all a very sweet and sweaty holiday season! ​

Disclaimer: The information in this podcast does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment. The information discussed is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care.