Research shows that so much of what sets us up for good gut health later in life happens during early childhood. And yet, it’s often when we take our biggest missteps. In today’s episode, we go beyond SIBO to talk about the rules of greater gut health, why our detachment from the earth is making sick, and how by simply getting dirtier we can correct some of the microbiome mistakes from our youth.

I’m joined by Dr. Maya Shetreat, who is a pediatric neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and bestselling author of The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child. In our chat, we discuss what’s happening in a developing gut and how some of the popular ills of childhood – like ear infections, fever, rashes, colic, hyperactivity – relate to food sensitivities and a damaged microbiome. More importantly, Dr. Maya gives us some concrete advice on natural alternatives to conventional over-the-counter drugs that might be damaging your kid’s microbiome further.

If you’re someone who is still putting together all the pieces of your health puzzle (or a child’s) this conversation will bring a lot of aha moments, and offer plenty of suggestions for moving forward. 

A quick taste of what we’ll cover: How the genetic vulnerabilities we’re born with play out via our lifestyle and environmental triggers What being out in nature does for our nervous system and biodiversity How the microbiome interacts with the microvirome – our body’s ecosystem of viruses Why childhood fevers are so important for immune development How gut health impacts the nervous system and why certain children present with neurological issues like ADHD or Autism, and others will get an ear infection Why early childhood emotional or physical trauma can affect gut health later in life Cranial-Sacral Therapy, reiki, chiropractic adjustments and how you can expand your child’s wellness toolkit How to approach an elimination diet for children Natural tools for your medicine cabinet to fight common childhood ailments like fever, rashes, etc. What dietary culprits could be behind chronic ear infections in children How we can apply the rules of greater gut health in adult life, even after imperfect childhoods Resources, mentions and notes: Where you can find Dr. Maya Shetreat Maya’s bestselling book, The Dirt Cure Episode 13 with Aviva Romm: advice on how to rebound from a C section Episode 7 with Jason Wysockion bodywork and SIBO Fever breaking kit: peppermint oilcompresses + yarrowor elderflower for sweat Join the SIBO Made Simple Facebook Community Page Subscribe to receive a free download of the episode transcript

This episode is brought to you by Epicured, a low FODMAP meal delivery service that understands that food is medicine. Each menu is created by Michelin star chefs and honed by doctors and dieticians at mount sinaii to restore digestive health for those with IBS, SIBO, Celiac and IBD. Everything they serve is 100 percent low FODMAP and gluten-free, with no cooking required! My favorite part about their dishes is the healthy spin on takeout gems like shrimp laksa and PAD THAI! Their version had a great balance of fresh veggies mixed in with the noodles that left me feeling both satisfied and completely free of my usual carb coma. Listeners to this podcast can get 20% off their order by using code SIBOMADESIMPLE. Just click hereto learn more. 

Disclaimer:The information shared in this podcast is not meant to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, or treatment. The information discussed is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care.