The Show

The Secret Top 10 is a top 10 show where the host doesn't know the subject or the answers. The guest comes on the show picks a subject and reveals their top 10. The host has 2 minutes to guess the list before it all starts. 

The Guest 

Harry Collins is an actor and director who specializes in making gore films. He has been making films since 2016 and is currently very active, in his spare time he reviews films on his YouTube Channel (HardGore Core) and runs a very active facebook group entitled the same. 

Partial Filmography 

As Actor 

 2021 Symbolicus Vol 2

 2021 Symbolicus Vol 1

 2019 The Sideling Hill

 2019 Keepsake!

 2018 The Final Interview

 2018 WrestleMassacre (Video)

 2017 House Shark

 2017Demon Mind

 2016 The Last Day's of Livermore (Short)

As Director 

 2021 Gorenography (Documentary)

 2021 Symbolicus Vol 2

 2020 Family Home Evening (Short)

 2019 The Sideling Hill

 2019 Keepsake!

 2018 Brutality (segment "The Last Days of Livermore")

 2016 The Last Day's of Livermore (Short)

YouTube Channel -

Facebook Group -


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