Previous Episode: #29: Parenthood (1989)

As it turns out, this week’s pick is not a hardboiled modern noir set on a train, as Ashley expected. Instead Dave’s pick, Wong Kar-wai’s CHUNGKING EXPRESS (1994), features the stories of two lovelorn policemen as they try to move on from their past relationships. Equal parts sweet and quirky with a good mix of interesting camera work, a pretty killer soundtrack, and thirty cans of pineapple, Chungking Express is miles away from Ashley’s expectations, and has her wanting to see more of Wong’s films. Dave is particularly taken with pixieish heroine Faye from the second story who recalls new wave and neo-realist heroines Patricia (Jean Seberg) and Cabiria (Giulietta Masina). Both Dave and Ashley found this film to be a delight, and there is even a femme fatale for those of you that need a little noir with your whimsy.

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