In this episode, Candace + Jenny start the conversation: Befriending Like Jesus. In an online world, we can still feel isolated, because we should have friends! It’s not easy to make and keep good friends, so let’s get all the practicals on being proactive pals today.

What are we shutting up? Poor friendship.

If you found encouragement through listening to this episode and want to share, give us a call and you may be featured on an upcoming episode. Call (315) 308-0163 or leave us a review on Apple Podcast to become a part of the show!


In We Said What?!, Jenny tells all about her quest for new friends in Florida.
Candace + Jenny make a distinction between internet web vs in-real-life friends.
In You Said What?!, a caller shares friendship “should have syndrome.”
Candace walks us through how she’s proactive in friendships to shut that should up!
Candace + Jenny discuss levels of closeness: inner, mid, outer circle friends.
Candace frees us all from thinking everyone gets inner circle space in our lives!
Candace gives us her super practical friendship check-in chart to help us be the friends we SHOULD be.
Candace + Jenny discuss praying for friends and why it’s important. Candace shares how she writes out- even color codes prayers for her people - so she can tell them specifics when she sees them.
Candace inspires us to dream for our friends.
Jenny shares how one “ledge pusher” friend pushed her to her first professional development conference.
Candace + Jenny role-play real accountability in friendship over a box of waffles. Just go with it guys!

OPEN ARMS INTERNATIONAL: Season Two of Shut the Should Up is sponsored by Open Arms International. Open Arms is an organization in Eldoret, Kenya that provides vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel and the love of a family. Check out their links and give a gift today!

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Interested in learning more about Jenny Randle, her books or have her SPEAK for your church or event? Visit

We’re not done shutting this should up yet... tune in next week for more friend talk!