In this episode, Candace Payne + Jenny Randle sort out how to lead like Jesus. From Jesus calling his first followers, to our followers on social media, to the followers at our feet - we are all leading someone.

What are we shutting up? Poor leadership.

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In A Special Game!, Candace tries to tell us how to not make tacos… and who was actually the first man on the moon.
In We Said What?!,  Candace shares how she learned in Israel that the phrase “follow me” means so much more than we’ve made it in our social media minds.
Jenny + Candace break out in an 80’s song about the leaders who gave them the wind beneath their wings.
Candace + Jenny tell about a teacher in Kenya who leads by inspiring + invite you to laugh at them trying to learn the language in a video on the Open Arms International Website (see link below).
In You Said What?!, Candace + Jenny share your poll results about the best + worst qualities in leaders. They debate which category “starts shenanigans” should go in.
Jenny shares from Matthew 20:26-28 that Jesus always led by serving.
In Hey, Let’s Pray!, Candace + Jenny ask Jesus to help us lead more like Him.

OPEN ARMS INTERNATIONAL: This season of Shut the Should Up is sponsored by Open Arms International. Open Arms is an organization in Eldoret, Kenya that provides vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel and the love of a family.

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Interested in learning more about Candace Payne, her books and curriculum or have her SPEAK for your church or event? Visit

Interested in learning more about Jenny Randle, her books or have her SPEAK for your church or event? Visit

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