The enneagram, personality tests, spiritual gift assessments, and what the Bible has to say about it all is just a typical hang on your fav. should- show. In this episode of Shut The Should Up with Candace Payne  + Jenny Randle, they discuss why you SHOULD be self-aware.

What are we shutting up?



Candace + Jenny play Confetti Like Praise in the most self-aware way possible.
Candace gives us all homework that is super funwork.
We Said What?! has Candace + Jenny revealing their test results and their favorite self-assessment tests in a sea of multiple options.
Jenny discusses how a moment of encouragement helped her overcome fears while Candace discusses how a discouraging comment paralyzed her from walking in authenticity.
Jenny + Candace challenge us to know how to identify triggers and how that affects the ways we cope.
Candace discusses how to be self-aware in order to mature interpersonally and relationally.
Jenny encourages listeners to google their way through tests that offer self-awareness.  Some that Candace + Jenny mention on the show are the DISC test and the ENNEAGRAM.
In You Said What?!, Candace + Jenny get their first prank call.
In He Said What?!, Candace looks at what it means to go from glory to glory as found in 2 Corinthians 3:18.
Jenny “Randle Rants” about taking self-aware concepts to the pulpit in churches under the guise of consumerism.
Jenny + Candace address the reason God would want us self aware and how it benefits us, others, and His ultimate purposes.
Candace speaks to a listener that is fearful of being self-aware.
Jenny celebrates the should out of you.
In Hey, Let’s Pray!, Jenny prays for the listeners that they would walk with boldness in understanding who they are and whose they are.


The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People >>
DISC Assessment
Spiritual Gifts Assessment

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Interested in learning more about Candace Payne, her books and curriculum or have her SPEAK for your church or event? Visit

Interested in learning more about Jenny Randle, her books or have her SPEAK for your church or event? Visit

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Until next time, shut the should up everybody.