The dreary month of January was definitely made far more beautiful with a feed full of gorgeous images.  Thank you all for brightening our days!

Carolyn Walter’s snow fort image has great perspective, bright, vivid colors in the edit, and just embodies the childhood joys of winter.  Rachel Toothman’s wintery landscape has such beautiful, soft textures and the gentle warmth of the winter sun makes it so appealing to explore.  

New this week

We truly hope you are enjoying the idea of tip toeing into video a bit.  It really is a joy capturing moments that have real movement and sound.  The next step in video is to be intentional in your camera movement as you record.  Annette Heck gives amazing examples in this week’s lesson.  Don’t miss it!

Did you miss the interview last week with Camilla Winter-Moore?  The replay (and discount code) can be found here!

Another gorgeous week of your work is highlighted in the new Magazine!

All of your intentional movement videos go in this album.

InspirationSince we can’t use videos as Feature Images, make sure you check out last week’s album for some serious cute and a lot of fun peeks at everyday life.Kate made magic with a past-prime tulip and some window light!Not many could get this close to a fox, but volunteering in wildlife rehab has its benefits!Ann is absolutely ROCKING the Lensbaby Sol45 and her beach shots are beautiful and evoke tranquility.  And this one is can’t miss, too!Annie captured something we all feel this time of year, I think - the beauty of warm snuggles in the midst of winter.Sara’s been getting some pretty cool shots of Kansas City all dressed up in preparation for the Super Bowl.  More here and here.LearningMemories Monday featured lessons from the Creative Compositon theme on foreground, framing, and leading lines and minimalism, negative space, and the rule of space.Lindsey shared a link to dates of this year’s Super Moons (the wolf has passed, but there will be two more!).Danielle gave us a peek at a client video she recently completed.  Not only is the video gorgeous and so very touching, but there’s a ton of info in the comments that you’ll want to see if this is something you think you might want to offer.Who can help Jessica out with best lighting for taking videos where there isn’t a lot of natural light?Annette shared a post from her business page that asks you to really take a look at perspective and perceived perspective.  It is a real mind bender and well worth a look!Nicole re-learned the lesson about backing up images to more than one spot and is now in the market for a new hard drive.  Who’s got a favorite?