I am getting so excited about the course I’m offering in a few weeks from now: Anger, Transformed!!!

I’m excited to help people to understand, befriend, and transform the powerful emotion of Anger that has a way of interfering with our lives and our happiness.

One of the concepts we’ll be covering is the way kindness and compassion are very effective antidotes to Anger and its sources.

But what happens when compassion and kindness are refuted or ignored and someone does something to hurt us in spite of the kindness we showed them?

Well, in this case, I would invite you to consider the Apple Tree.

In today’s episode, I talk about the Apple Tree’s intention and how it is never concerned with the outcome of its fruit:

This is a crucial lesson in Anger Transformation and one we will cover in great depth in the upcoming 12-week course: Anger, Transformed.

But if you have any immediate questions about this metaphor or any other topics that influence anger - or to find out more about the course itself - I invite you to click this link and schedule your no-cost phone consultation with me:
