As I gear up for my new course - Anger, Transformed - that launches in a couple of weeks, I will be talking a lot about anger here in this space.

One common characteristic of anger is loss of control.

We lose control, physically, when we experience rage, but anger itself takes away some of our control in the form of poor judgment and assessment of our actions.

In other words, anger tends to trick us into thinking our words and actions are socially acceptable, even when they’re not.

In today’s episode, I tell a raw and difficult story in two parts: part one is from about 10 years ago, and part two is from just a couple weeks ago. (Somewhere around the 20:00 mark, I actually cry a bit remembering the old story):

If you find yourself saying and doing things that shock or shame you…

If you’re having a hard time holding things together…

If you spend your time thinking about things people have done to you…

If you feel like you never have enough time for anything…

If any of these resonate with you, there’s a very good chance you suffer from chronic anger and I invite you to click this link to schedule a no-cost phone consultation: