As I prepare to launch my new course, Anger, Transformed, in a couple of weeks, I’m having a great time nerding out on the research about anger, how it works, what causes it, and what it does to our bodies.

It’s truly fascinating stuff!

And, unsurprisingly, I see tons of similarities between stress and anger.

One really interesting similarity between stress and anger is how many people experience these chronic states and don’t even know it.

Even though they don’t see their anger, people see the results or effects of their anger…

They see the holes in the walls of their home…

They see the troubled relationships all around them…

They see the insomnia…

Of course, the first step in transforming anger is to recognize the anger, which is one of the things I’m most excited about helping people to do!

Because once I help them acknowledge and recognize their anger, I can help them transform the anger into something much more productive and healthy.

But again, transform anger to what?

In today’s episode, I explain this in fairly deep detail:

If you’re interested in finding out more about my upcoming program: Anger, Transformed, please reach out with a reply to this email or click this link to schedule a no-cost phone consultation/coaching session:

And if you’re free tomorrow morning, please join us for a guided meditation and discussion. Register here, if you’d like:

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