I wanted to follow up on the post I made last week about arriving and arising.

Just like almost all the topics I discuss here, consciously arriving, with intention, is a practice that will bear abundant fruits.

But just like any other practice, it only works when you do it with repetition.

So what is to gain by consciously arriving with intention?

In today’s episode, I illustrate a few points through a simple story:

So you can see that practicing arriving will lead to:

More intention…

Following through on your intention…

Preparing yourself for what you are about to experience…

Meeting the situation with honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity…

Instilling a sense of control in order to keep the stress in your body at bay and allow yourself to make clear-minded and contemplated decisions.

If you have any questions about this practice, I invite you to email me back at: [email protected].

But if you’d prefer to have a live talk about it, click here to book a free call with me:


To register for this week’s free guided meditation and discussion on Wednesday at 7:00 pm MST, click here:


And if you haven’t already checked out my new podcast, Learning to Surf, co-hosted with Adam Asdel, you can find the latest episode here:
