The first time I was on an airplane, I was confounded by the instructions of the flight attendant that parents should put their own oxygen mask on before assisting their children.

And this confusion only grew more severe when I had kids of my own.

Like most parents, I would do anything for my kids!

And yet, I was being told to do this absurdly selfish thing!

But I eventually realized the reason for this: If I lose consciousness while trying to save my child, neither of us survive.

This is the theme of today’s episode.

No matter how counterintuitive it seems, the reality of this world is that the only thing we can control is ourselves.

Our actions.

Our intentions.

Our responses to life’s endless supply of curveballs.

So when you think that taking ten minutes to meditate in the morning seems selfish, try to liken it to putting on your own mask so you can help those around you.