Habits, essentially, are the product of unintentional practice.

Every time you react in a certain way to an experience - the way in the past I’d have been angry this morning when I awoke to snow on the ground that prevents the bike ride I was looking forward to - you are teaching your body how to react in this way without your conscious awareness.

Anything that your body knows how to do without the involvement of your brain is, quite simply, a habit.

And your brain loves it!

This is why habits are very easy to form and nearly impossible to break!

Check out today’s episode to learn more about habits:

When we train our minds in non-judging, moment-to-moment awareness, we bring this conscious awareness to the emotions and thoughts that otherwise happen automatically.

It is in this awareness that we gain power over the reactivity and, in turn, we gain the ability to respond instead of reacting.

In this response, we tap into our power to learn and grow through our experiences.

And in time, we gain the skill to let go of or accept the things that cause us to suffer and our happiness is allowed to arise.

Remember, this skill, like every single skill you’ve ever developed in your life, can be developed through practice.

Would you like to learn how to do such practices? It will only take about 5-10 minutes per day and getting started is as easy as clicking this link:
