We all get overwhelmed at times.

And when we do, it’s like there’s a monkey bouncing around our mind so quickly and erratically, we can’t even keep track of it.

Have you ever been stuck in this monkey mind, feeling like there’s no escape, and then had the opportunity to talk to someone about it?

It feels much better after you get to talk about it, right?

Well, the reason is that in verbalizing your thoughts, you articulate them in your mind first.

It’s like getting the monkey to slow down a little so you can keep track of him.

Of course, there are some things that are too personal and tender to share even with our intimate partners.

And therapy can be very expensive.

Fortunately, there is a free and safe way to ‘talk’ things out any time.

I’m talking about journaling.

In today’s episode, I share the details of a simple journaling practice that has worked wonders for my own mental and emotional clarity.

If you’re interested in the written instructions, including some helpful prompts, please comment below and I’ll send it right over to you.

Also, in my podcast today, I talk about two other very helpful practices. 😊

Please reach out with any questions!