Let’s talk about New Years Resolutions.

We’ve all tried, and few have succeeded, to make sweeping changes in our behavior.

And the new year is a very tempting time for this effort!

But the fact is that even though we feel as though we always ‘fail’ at these attempts, I don’t think that’s true.

‘Failure’ to lose 20 pounds, for example, looks like going on and sticking to a diet for 20 weeks and finding that we haven’t lost the weight.

But that’s not what our resolutions usually look like.

What happens is more along the lines of sticking to a diet for a few days or weeks and then having that slice of pizza and declaring the diet to be over.

To me, this is self-sabotage that comes from the fear of failure.

Self Compassion - the act of supporting ourselves through difficult times, including times of failure - can eliminate this fear of failure and empower our success.

This applies as much to our daily achievements as it does to those big New Years' resolutions.

Would you like to learn how to develop this amazing power for yourself?