I get asked a lot for tips on how to deal with the stress and/or anxiety from a specific event happening in someone’s life.
And while I always try to help by offering simple, on demand relaxation techniques, I do so with reservation.
Not because I don’t want to help people get past this particular struggle.
But because it is overwhelmingly likely that it will be like putting a band aid on a wound that requires deeper solutions.
Stress is caused by life’s external experiences.
And life has no shortage of these, for sure!
So when we try to address stress in reaction - that is, after we’ve been triggered - it is often a losing battle.
But when we develop a new, foundational way to respond to life’s difficulties, we can avoid the stress response entirely.
This is where a daily practice comes in.
Would you like to develop a daily practice that will allow you to live free from the damaging stress response?