“Time is the money of love.” -Kinky Friedman

I remember reading this quote on a business trip not long after I got married, and it hit home so strongly.

Everything I saw, every meal I ate, I wanted to share with my Wife.

It wasn’t the things I was seeing or the food I was eating that I wanted to share with her.

It was the TIME.

But the thing is, not all time is of equal value.

Just like not all money is of equal value.

You can spend money on something that gives nothing back to you and feel like it’s wasted.

Or you could spend the same money on something that nourishes you and feel that you made a wonderful investment.

Same money. Different intention.

When we spend time with those we love, we can be totally present with them and gain cyclical, resonant nourishment.

Or we can be distracted by our phone or preoccupied and wandering mind and come away feeling empty and unnourished.

The choice is ours.

So how do you choose to spend your time with the people you love (including yourself)?