One of the most powerful and beneficial ways we can invest in our own well being, is to spend some time focusing on the positive things in our lives.

And no matter how difficult life may seem today, there are always things for which you can be grateful.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

So, by noticing these positive aspects of your life, you can drown out some of that negative mental chatter.

In the absence of this negative chatter, you can see, and actively acknowledge your own true potential.

Your potential as a dynamic, creative, and compassionate human being.

When you acknowledge this potential within yourself, you will acknowledge the same potential in everyone around you.

And now you’ve started a virtuous cycle, because as you see this potential in others, they will see it in themselves.

So through this altruistic action, you will elevate everyone who’s lives you touch every day:

Your kids, your coworkers, the barista you see in the morning, and everyone in between.

And the benefits you will realize through this are hard to even describe, but super easy to feel.

How do you feel about this potential within you?

If you doubt what I’m saying, let me prove it to you.