When we are faced with a pragmatic challenge in our life, we automatically want a pragmatic solution.

But a lot of times, such as what we’re seeing now with Covid 19, there are no pragmatic solutions.

So that leaves us with how we RESPOND, emotionally, to the challenge we face.

We can respond with presence, acceptance, and compassion.

Or we can focus on outcomes and causes, turn away from the challenge (saying ‘this isn’t fair!!!), and engaging in the negative emotions of fear and anger.

In the former, we can show up with all our resources and capabilities, making the most of a bad situation.

In the latter, we are reactive and will likely cause further problems, making this bad situation worse.

In any instance like this, you have the choice to meet reality with presence, acceptance, and compassion.

With practice, this can become your default response.

If you’d like to learn about how to develop this vital life skill, leave a comment or send me a message so we can set up some time to chat.