Fear is what we call a negative emotion.

In fact, it is the root of ALL negative emotions we can possibly feel.

But negative, in this context, doesn’t mean ‘BAD’!

In fact, fear is very beneficial to us in our lives.

Like when we reach into a hot oven, fear is what reminds us to wear oven mitts.

Fear makes us look both ways before crossing a street.

Where fear becomes problematic for us, is when we operate from the level of fear.

When we allow fear to be automatic and we assume the worst possible outcome of our every thought, decision, and action.

When we operate from fear in this way, we optimize ourselves to survive.

This results in conservative thoughts, decisions, and actions.

It makes us play it safe and stay inside our comfort zone.

Operating from LOVE, on the other hand, optimizes is to THRIVE.

It makes us creative and poised for problem solving.

Parenting from fear, we push our kids away from us with punishment and scolding.

Parenting from love, we draw our kids towards us with encouragement and inspiration.

Through some very simple practices, for like 5-10 minutes a day, you can develop the awareness to know when you’re operating from fear.

And in this knowing, you can CHOOSE to operate from LOVE.