It is said that as much as 95% of our behavior is habitual.

This means that most of what we do is done without our attention.

Our bodies are doing it without our minds.

Driving your car, eating, showering, brushing your teeth are just a handful of the most popular of habitual behavior.

So when you’re doing these things without thinking about them, what ARE you thinking about?

Well, because our human brains are wired for survival, you’re very likely thinking about something that causes you worry and fear.

And this leads to the stress response that pulls you away from your optimized and creative state.

Mindfulness is all about intention and awareness.

In other words, the opposite of automatic.

Yet, forming NEW mental habits of mindfulness is a very effective way to become more intentional and aware all the time.

In today’s video, I give you a simple and easy practice to do just that.

Want to learn more and take this practice further, drop a line so we can set up a time to chat.