Most of us attach our happiness to external experiences.

When we have positive experiences - we receive a compliment, things go well at work, we get a new gadget - we feel happy.

But when we have negative experiences - a client cancels a project, our kids challenge our patience, our car breaks down - we feel sadness or depression.

When we practice non-judging awareness, we learn to accept external and internal experiences without comparison and this allows us to maintain inner happiness even in the face of things going wrong in our lives.

For example, we see that a thought is just a thought... It's only a 'Good' thought when we compare it to a 'Bad' thought.

I know this might sound like a foreign concept, but take it from one who has learned first hand: this can be applied to even the most challenging external events of our lives.

It doesn't mean that challenging events won't happen to us. They certainly will.

It means that we can meet these challenges with presence, acceptance, and compassion and maintain our overall happiness through them.

10-15 minutes a day is all it takes to develop this skill. Would you like to learn how it works?

#mindfulness #presence #acceptance #compassion #emotionalintelligence #emotionalregulation #nonjudgingawarenessforthewin