Since I was all about apologies yesterday - bringing mindfulness to the act of apologizing and holding in empathic awareness to the emotions of the person receiving the apology - I thought it would make sense to talk today about forgiveness.

In my opinion, there are few things less understood or appreciated in our culture than forgiveness.

Most people consider it a sign of weakness.

Or an act of acquiescence, or absolution.

In fact, forgiveness is one of the strongest and most courageous things we can do.

And it has little to do with another person and has everything to do with the benefit to ourselves.

Physically, emotionally, and mentally, the willingness to forgive ourselves and others is profoundly beneficial.

Check out the audio for more details and get in touch with me for a simple practice that won’t take more than a few minutes a day that will enable you to practice forgiveness and realize these wonderful benefits.