When I tell someone that I help people reduce stress and reactivity, almost everyone says: “I NEED THAT!!!”

This is no surprise, given that over 77% of American adults experience chronic, daily stress, and that most people understand the damage chronic stress causes one’s health and happiness.

But when I go on to say that I accomplish stress reduction through mindfulness and meditation practices, I hear all kinds of reasons it won’t work for them.

“I have too many thoughts.”

“I can’t sit in that position.”

“It seems too hard and too time consuming for me.”

“It will make me too relaxed and passive and I won’t get things done.”

These are the four most common myths I hear and in today’s episode of The Mindful Manager Podcast, I knock them all down.

If you have a reason that’s keeping you from the amazing benefits of meditation that I haven’t listed here, let me know what it is.