Welcome to the "Showing Up BIG!" Podcast.



In today's noisy, distracted and desensitized world, irresponsible and morally bankrupt information is prevalent. As an alternative, we offer the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, where our  “free-range guests” serve up their REAL stories, REAL problems, and UNREAL results, in their Zone of Genius! 

Episode Notes:

Laurie Elle McSwiggin, Owner and Founder of www.OurSightYourLight.com is our guest in this powerful episode! Laurie dives deep into her transformation, from a woman initially in pursuit of becoming someone "important" in her professional career, recognizing the unfulfillment and pressing on towards finding her inner balance and significance. Her journey is fascinating and will capture your imagination and you might even find some similarities to your own story and new options as a result.

We hope you'll be inspired by this episode, and as a result, take a step, even a baby step towards pursuing your DREAMS!!

Let me ask you a few questions and see if you can relate.


     * Have you ever felt lost, incomplete, or simply like you were on the wrong life path?


     * Have you ever felt like your current employment is OK for now, but not what you were "supposed to do? 


     * Or, have you ever been so sure you were doing the RIGHT thing, and then your whole world came crashing down, because it turns you weren't?

     * Have you ever made a major life decision for someone else's (parents, spouse, teacher, grandparent, coach, etc.) approval or acceptance, and lost your own identity in the process? And then hated yourself for it?


If there's ONE thing I am certain of, it's that most people over 25 years of age have experienced most, if not all of these scenarios.


Well, don't worry, there's hope for us yet...


I truly want to help you find your inner strength, inner confidence and ultimately your "Zone of Genius!" That is WHY I started this podcast! In this episode, you'll hear Laurie Elle McSwiggin, a woman who embraces her intellectual/academic side and earns an MBA in International Business and then embraces her heart-led servant side and THRIVES as the Owner of her Healing Business! Talk about a BIG "Zone of Genius!" 


So stop delaying and jump on over and listen to this Episode and allow Laurie to help you let your own story be just perfect for you and let it continue to evolve and thrive!

Laurie is SO committed to helping everyone find their true path, she has offered a couple FREE GIFTS to all listeners! Just click this link to receive... https://www.oursightyourlight.com/bonus-gifts-laurie-elle

Are you ready? Press PLAY and dive in!

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If you enjoyed this episode and love the format of the Showing Up BIG! Podcast, and helping people find their lane in life, and leave their mark on the world, while Blessing people, would you PLEASE help us with this mission of spreading GOODNESS?? All you have to do is leave a quick review on iTunes and make sure to subscribe too (if you haven't already). Your kind gesture would seriously ensure GOODNESS gets a foothold in our pessimistically lop-sided world, AND would truly mean the world to me, so THANK YOU in advance for being the awesome free-range human that you are!