Today I present to you a solo episode that touches on a very important topic in the Showgirl’s Life. Community. Though we have shared some hilarious backstage stories in previous episodes, there was magic happening at a deeper level. I am sharing my views on what it was like in the dressing rooms and the beautiful relationships that developed from those naked times. 

I am also excited to announce my partnership with The Origin Company. Created by Kate Northrup, the author of Money, A Love Story and Do Less, she has created a community for women to change the way they work. If you are curious to learn about this community, take the free online workshop outlined below. 

The Productivity Myth: 3 Easy Tactics to Focus On The Right Things and Get Better Business Results Without Burning Out

Curious what a real sisterhood looks like? Want to see how to smash the productivity myth? Register for a workshop and learn how you can change the way you work and experience more connection and joy in your life. Register now!  

Let’s keep the conversation going! Join the conversation on the show notes page and share what you enjoyed about this episode. I look forward to connecting with you! 😍

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