About Reem Kharbat:

Reem Kharbat, a strategist, a business coach & an entrepreneur. With over 15 years of experience as a CFO & member of the board of Directors for a renowned TelecomGroup, she was asked to quit the executive job on the day she gavebirth to her first baby..

Not that it was difficult to find a job with such top-notch expertise and high experience but the dream of not worrying about the money, and instead work productively and creatively to impact the lives of the people made her make some tough decisions of her life.

Today, she owns 3 businesses, got featured in Vogue Magazine and has clients whom she consistently helps to elevate their business and change their lives. She traveled to over 19 countries, encountered diverse people and ideas that helped grow her own business across  

She also has podcast named ‘The Entrepreneur Accelerator ‘ The podcast is for ambitious individuals with big visions who want to hit 6+ figures but who are stuck – whether you’ve been in business for awhile or are just starting out.

You can connect with Reem Kharbat by going to  




Work with Me: 

Systems and High Performing Team saves more than just the sale. When you have amazing leaders, positive contagious team culture and a powerful system in place, you will be able to run epic promotions, increase your sales, & scale your company beyond what you think is possible.

You create a highly functioning team that operates from strengths and leverage and automate your systems to scale.🤑

As founder and CEO of Scaling To Grow, I've seen all the techniques everyone is using under the sun that actually works. That is why I'm hosting a 5 Day "How To Implement The 4 Day Workweek & Maximize Your Team" Challenge to further help you bring your vision to life in order to create impact.  

Curious , join my next 5 days free training at https://scalingtogrow.com/