About Prasha Sarwate Dutra:

Prasha Sarwate Dutra is a Career Coach, Engineer and International speaker. She also has a podcast her STEM story that shares amazing real life stories of women in STEM. In last two years, she has interviewed 125 women in STEM and has created a community of 10,000 women from around the world. She loves podcasting, public speaking, coaching women in STEM & creating valuable content to empower women.  

You can connect with prasha by going to https://prashadutra.com/

or connecting with her on instagram :https://www.instagram.com/prasha_dutra/

Her Stem story podcast info: https://herstemstory.com/

Book recommended by Prasha: The Power of Now 

Link to past Episode 18 with Parsha : https://show-up-with-priyanka.simplecast.com/episodes/su18-from-being-successful-engineer-to-becoming-career-coach-for-women-in-stem-with-prasha-sarwate-dutra



>>You can follow me at

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Please send me your feedback , your key takeaways, any topics you would like me to cover, any concerns and questions at [email protected]


As a Director of Operations and Business Growth Strategist with 12 years corporate experience as a Senior Engineer,  I help multiple 6 figures or more impact driven, heart centered entrepreneurs  to scale  by smart systems, empowered teams and streamlined operations to increase revenue and eliminate the chaos. Curious , learn more at http://scaleupwithpriyanka.com/

Let’s talk about making the crazy go away in your business: Book a call with me 



>>If you are looking into launching your own podcast - check out this course which I went through to launch my podcast in 28 days to Top 60 rated show on Itunes 'Entrepreneurship category'. This is my affiliate link to sign up for the podcast course :  https://aff.podcastprofitlab.co/17187/60011