About Jeremy Slate:

Jeremy Slate is the founder of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world like Grant Cardone, Robin Sharma, Seth Godin, Russell Brunson,  Kevin Harrington and many more. He studied literature at Oxford University, and is a former champion powerlifter turned new media entrepreneur. He specializes in using podcasting and new media to create trust and opinion leader status. In iTunes, he was ranked #1 in the business category and ranked #78 in the Top 100.

Jeremy was named one of the top 26 podcasts for entrepreneurs to listen to in 2017 + 18 by CIO Magazine, top podcast to listen to by INC Magazine in 2019 and Millennial Influencer to follow in 2018 by Buzzfeed. The Create Your Own Life Podcast has been downloaded over 2.5 million times. He’s also a contributing editor of New Theory Magazine and Grit Daily.

After his success in podcasting, Jeremy and his wife, Brielle, founded Command Your Brand Media to help leaders use the power of podcasts to change the world.

You can connect with  Jeremy  at,

Website,  https://www.jeremyryanslate.com/

Podcast, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-create-your-own-life-show/id1059619918?mt=2

Facebook,  https://www.facebook.com/jeremy.slate

Instagram,  https://www.instagram.com/jeremyryanslate/

Twitter, https://twitter.com/jeremyryanslate

To get support on getting into other Top podcasts - hire  Jeremy's  PR team to do it for you , connect to his team at https://commandyourbrand.com/


Please send me your feedback , your key takeaways, any topics you would like me to cover, any concerns and questions at [email protected]

You can follow me at

Facebook Page



As a certified Director of Operations and Business Growth Strategist with 12 years corporate experience as a Senior Engineer,  I help impact driven entrepreneurs  to scale  by simplifying, streamlining and systemizing their business to increase revenue and eliminate the chaos. For any Operations need for your business , connect with me at http://scaleupwithpriyanka.com/

If you are looking into launching your own podcast - check out this course which I went through to launch my podcast in 28 days to Top 60 rated show on Itunes 'Entrepreneurship category'. This is my affiliate link to sign up for the podcast course :  https://aff.podcastprofitlab.co/17187/60011

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