It’s been a year since the first COVID-19 cases started appearing in the United States, and during this span, many people have been living with the stress of trying to work from home while simultaneously trying to help their kids attend online school. Essential workers haven’t had the safety of home, having to continue working in grocery stores, and child-care, food-production and other such settings. Meanwhile, first responders and physicians have faced the at times overwhelming stress of dealing directly with patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Continuous stretches of stress aren’t good for mental health. In this episode, we speak to Jessica Gold, MD, an assistant professor of psychiatry, about maintaining mental health during these trying times. She’s given several lectures to health-care providers about the need to remember that. Though their first instincts as caregivers may be to help others, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of self-care, too. Resident physician Mohit Harsh, MD, attended one of Gold’s lectures not long ago. After hearing her talk, he realized his feelings of hopelessness might be more than fatigue. He’s since received therapy and says he’s better able to take care of his patients now that he’s taking better care of himself.

The podcast, “Show Me the Science,” is produced by the Office of Medical Public Affairs at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.