But for this episode, we’re sticking with COVID-19. In 2020, when the pandemic shut down much of the country, our very first guest on “Show Me the Science” was Steven J. Lawrence, MD, a professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases. He also was our first guest of our second season of podcast episodes last year. And we’ve brought him back again, for year three.

As the pandemic first gripped the St. Louis area, Lawrence was worried whether there would be adequate ventilators, ICU beds and medical staff to care for patients with COVID-19. A year later, in spring 2021, he was touting vaccines as a potential way out of the pandemic. Now, after having to deal with the delta and omicron variants of the virus, and with new worries about an even more infectious version of omicron, Lawrence has thoughts on moving forward as well as what people got right and wrong during the first two years of the pandemic. He also has some ideas regarding where we may be headed.

The podcast, “Show Me the Science,” is produced by the Office of Medical Public Affairs at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.