As an only child, Kristina got lots and lots of love.  Many of the life lessons Kristina learned from her mom as a child, she's able to use with her own children, and that makes her  happy.  Judy, Kristina's mom, was always very giving and she never expected anything in return.  Her mother's advice was "do what you lover." So at 6 years old, Kristina began to write books and stories and she's still writing today.

Looking back, Kristina respects and appreciates her mother's kindness, patience and calming voice. Kristina also cherishes her grandmother's passion for reading. To this day, Kristina recalls seeing her grandmother's bookshelves lined with books. "My grandmother would read and entire book in one day," says Cappetta. That love of literature, certainly came from her grandmother and she's passed that passion down to her own children.

Kristina seems to connect more easily with people who have  close relationship's with their mother. She says, "the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree." Still having her mom close by geographically and emotionally is so important and she loves that her children have a strong relationship with their grandmother.

The more love the better.


Kristina Cappetta

The Mommy Rundown


The Mommy Rundown


Children's Picture Book

It's Raining Pizza